Chang'e 5-T1

Chang'e 5-T1

Chang’e 5-T1 (嫦娥四号, “Moon goddess”) is a space probe in orbit of the Moon to test out technologies for the future lunar sample return mission, Chang’e 5, which is scheduled to launch in 2017. The space probe originally consisted of a return capsule called Xiaofei (“little flyer”) and a service module. The return capsule successfully returned to Earth in 2014, acting as a test of high speed reentry capabilities and exposing organic life to a radiation environment. The Chang’e 5-T1 service module is continuing its orbit of the Moon, providing useful data for the upcoming Chang’e 5 mission.

(top image: the Moon's Mare Marginis as seen by Chang'e 5-T1, Xinhua News/CNSA)