STEREO, short for “Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory”, is a set of twin space probes that are studying the Sun and its solar storms through 3D imaging. The STEREO space probes have been able to reveal the 3D structure of solar storm eruptions from the Sun known as coronal mass ejections (often abbreviated as CME). Coronal mass ejections that venture in the direction of the Earth can disrupt satellites, power grids and endanger astronauts with intense solar radiation. By studying these events, STEREO is building knowledge about why solar storms occur and providing Earth early warnings for when they might hit. Communication was lost with STEREO B on October 1, 2014. While teams continue to try to reestablish communication with “B”, STEREO A is continuing to provide views of the far side of the Sun.

(top image: 3D image of the Sun taken by STEREO, NASA/STEREO)